Archives For Martin McGuinness

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:

“I am disappointed that the Speaker has declined my request for an urgent oral question to the Justice Minister following Martin McGuinness’s disgraceful comments about the Orange Order.

“The filled and pernicious alignment by McGuinness of the Orange Order with the UVF sets up Orange Halls, parades and personnel for further republican attack and should be allowed to be raised in the chamber.”

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:-

“The spectacle of McGuinness, the epitome of inextricable links between terror and politics, demonising the Orange Order by his scurrilous attempt to link it and equate it to the UVF, takes some beating.

“However, the fact he tries to validate his claim by asserting it is based on what “leaders of the mainstream unionist parties” told him raises serious issues for them to deal with. If it is not true – and I am not suggesting for one moment that it is – then they need to take on McGuinness for this malicious falsehood. The leaders of “mainstream unionism” are readily identifiable, so, writs against McGuinness should issue. Malicious falsehood is an available tort on which he should now be pursued by Peter Robinson and Mike Nesbitt.

“Moreover, this episode underscores the utter failure of the present regime. When it has come to the point that the joint first ministers are so vilifying each other, then it is time the plug was pulled on the Stormont shambles. Government is not working and will not work, because mandatory coalition is of itself unworkable; rather, power is merely being abused by Sinn Fein to advance their divisive agenda from the top and heart of government. Haass is but the latest vehicle to feed their insatiable demands for concessions. The fact that Peter Robinson helped McGuinness initiate it is itself an indication of flawed judgement.

“Haass is not acceptable now, nor by 17th March, nor after the elections on 22nd May, when some might think they could revert to concession-giving form.”

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:

“McGuinness’s comments on the IRA campaign in Oxford will have been grossly offensive to countless victims across Northern Ireland and indeed the whole of the UK.
“To claim that civilians murdered by the IRA were mistakes in operations which went wrong is grotesque nonsense. How was the death of Mary Travers, shot in the back as she made her way home from Mass, a mistake? How were the deaths of nine innocent people in the Shankill bombing anything other than deliberate – particularly when one remembers it had an eleven second fuse? Continue Reading…